12 Worst Casting Decisions In Harry Potter Movies

5. Stanislav Ianevski As Viktor Krum

Harry Potter Casting
Warner Bros.

Viktor Krum is supposed to be a big deal, but let's be honest, the Goblet Of Fire pretty much ruined all the Quidditch World Cup scenes. The entire character of Ludo Bagman was cut, but many wish that Krum hadn’t made the cut either.

With Goblet Of Fire chopping stories all over the place, Stanislav Ianevski never really got the chance to do anything, and alongside the rest of the Triwizard Cup students, the actors were pushed aside for Radcliffe and co. This still doesn't make Stanislav Ianevski's performance anything less than dull, as he even makes being half man/half shark in the diving task look boring. Perhaps the biggest insult is that dancing with Emma Watson was made to look incredibly mundane - how could you!

All the Durmstrang school characters are tired racial stereotypes of Bulgarians, but Goblet of Fire couldn't even get that right. Described as extremely tall and thin in the books, Ianevski's well-built Krum missed the mark. Wooden to the point of splintering pain, Krum may as well been played by one of the trees from the Forbidden Forest as no one really paid any attention.

The films are called Harry Potter, but somehow the two characters go the entirety of the film without saying a word to each other.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap