13 2018 Movies That Are Destined To Disappoint You

5. Super Troopers 2

Super Troopers 2
Fox Searchlight

Release Date: April 20

On one hand it's a miracle that a sequel to the 2001 cult comedy is even happening at all, but as the likes of Dumb and Dumber To and Zoolander 2 have proven in recent years, belated follow-ups to beloved comedies rarely end up working out.

Can Super Troopers 2 be being anything more than a nostalgic victory lap of the first movie, rehashing the same jokes with some added "everybody's old now!" buffoonery?

It's hard to say, but as is the case with both decades-later sequels and crowd-funded movies in general, it's incredibly sensible to keep your expectations low to the ground. Fans will go easy on it because it's low-budget and shouldn't really exist, but they'll know deep down that it could've been much better.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.