13 Awesome Films You Forgot Were Christmas Movies

12. Go

Go movie
Columbia Pictures

Doug Liman's hilarious crime comedy is frequently cited as one of the better Pulp Fiction knock-offs, revolving around teenager Ronna (Sarah Polley) as she tries to make ends meet by taking part in a particularly shady drug deal. The movie is set at Christmas and features some gut-bustingly funny seasonal dialogue ("They can't evict you on Christmas! Then you'd be ho-ho-homeless!"), but easily the film's most memorable scene is when actors Adam (Scott Wolf) and Zack (Jay Mohr) are invited to Christmas dinner by cop Burke (William Fichtner).

The creepiness of Burke walking around naked and his gorgeous wife (Jane Krakowski) coming onto Adam is enough to make you think that the pair are swingers looking for fun, but once Burke announces over dinner that he has an ulterior motive, the disturbing truth finally comes out. Burke pitches an Amway-style pyramid selling company called Confederated Products to the pair in a manner somehow more uneasy than if they had just suggested a foursome.

Creepiest. Christmas dinner. Ever.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.