13 Awesome Horror Villains Lost In Unseen Movies

4. Russ Thorn - The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)

Laid To Rest ChromeSkull
Santa Fe Productions

Written by active feminist Rita Mae Brown and directed by Amy Holden Jones, Slumber Party Massacre is one of the most interesting and unique slasher films to come out of the 1980s. Whilst it still contains all of the usual scenes of skimpy teenagers being picked off by a largely unseen murderer, there are a few notable features in the movie that help this stand out from the crowd, starting mainly with villain Russ Thorn.

Armed with the slasher-classic high powered drill, Russ is unlike fellow horror villains such as Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees in the fact that he has absolutely no backstory whatsoever. We know that he's an escaped prisoner and has an unstoppable lust for murdering having killed five people previously, but besides that, there's really not a whole lot explained to us.

Michael Villella portrays this homicidal maniac perfectly. Everything from his distinctive walk, his lifeless eyes or the fact that he spends most of his screen time caked in blood all help to make this a guy who will never fail to send a shiver down your spine.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.