13 Awesome Horror Villains Lost In Unseen Movies

3. The Zombies -The Battery (2012)

Laid To Rest ChromeSkull

Written and starring Jeremy Gardner in his big screen debut, The Battery is one of the very best low budget zombie films released in recent times. Following the story of two baseball players, Ben and Mickey, the film is the perfect tale of two local New Englanders living on the road doing their best to adapt to the apocalyptic world around them.

None of the film's scenes were planned in advance, and that really lends itself well to a plot that revolves around two guys just muddling through their life. On top of that, even though the movie was only shot on a budget of $6,000, the zombies in this film are absolutely terrifying.

You have the usual grunting and slow maurauding that never fails to creep us out, however what makes these zombies so memorably scary is the fact that they're given an entirely new direction by being treated with some sense of normality. Neither Ben nor Mickey break out into a frenzied panic every time they see someone infected, because they've grown used to them by now. We'll spare you the details, but perhaps the film's most outrageously scary moments is what happens when one female zombie starts smearing her chest against the duo's car...


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.