13 Awesome Horror Villains Lost In Unseen Movies

2. The Ulmans - The House Of The Devil (2009)

Laid To Rest ChromeSkull
Dark Sky FIlms

The ultimate homage to your favourite '70s and '80s horror films, The House of the Devil combines some of the favourite filming techniques of the past with some nice modern tropes thrown in to ramp up the terror.

The film follows college student Samantha Hughes as she takes on a babysitting job for the Ulman family, consisting mainly of matriarch and patriarch Mr. and Mrs. Ulman. Whilst Mr. and Mrs. Ulman, as well as their son Victor, are suitably creepy throughout with their unsettling personas, The House of the Devil's scares are ramped up significantly when Mother is summoned near the film's climax.

Mother is a truly grotesque witch-like individual who commences a ritual harnessing the power of the night's Lunar Eclipse. She pulls all of the strings for the night's events, making even the stern and sinister Mr. and Mrs. Ulman just simple puppets for her evil, malevolent arts. Everything from her terrifying soundtrack to her hideous appearance is something for horror fans to marvel at, however it's clear that Mother benefits hugely from the film's well-crafted slow suspense and generally creepy storytelling.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.