13 Awesome Horror Villains Lost In Unseen Movies

1. The Moonlight Man - Gerald's Game (2017)

Laid To Rest ChromeSkull

Thought to be impossible to truly capture in a film, Gerald's Game is the 2017 brilliant adaptation of the original Steven King book of the same name. Deeply gripping with its edgy psychological horror in the first act, Gerald's Game really begins to amp the scares when the sinister Moonlight Man is introduced to proceedings.

When her husband dies of a heart attack with her still chained up to a bed, Jessie is thrown into a world of psychological torment and battles to escape from her position. The tension of being locked up on your own is scary enough for us to witness, however the hallucinations that come to play with Jessie as the film rolls on are the stuff pulled straight out of our nightmares.

Things get even worse for Jessie though, with a tall figure following stalking her as she attempts to escape. The 'Man made out of Moonlight' turns out to be Raymond Albert Joubert, a disfigured serial killer who is prone to stealing from corpses and occasionally eating the faces of his male victims. Just as one last sprinkling of chills, he recites Jessie's original 'you're not real' line back to her when they come face to face eventually, revealing that he had been in the house with her the whole time.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.