13 Awesome Performances In Otherwise Disappointing 2021 Movies

9. Stephen Lang - Don't Breathe 2

Reminiscence Hugh Jackman
Ghost House Pictures

In 2016's excellent Don't Breathe, Stephen Lang's fearsome performance as Norman, a blind man who turns out to be a ruthless, almost unstoppable killer, helped make the character one of the most unforgettable and downright terrifying horror villains of the last decade.

In this sequel, he returns but what they did with the character was so misjudged it torpedoed the entire film. In Don't Breathe 2, Norman is now the good guy.

Yep, that's right. This film expects viewers to root for the guy who kidnapped, raped and murdered his way through the original film and as it should go without saying, this makes what was already a pretty generic home invasion thriller a very uncomfortable viewing.

But kudos to Stephen Lang, for he still does an excellent job as the character. Once again, he's a brutal, formidable bad-ass but Lang also lends real pathos and tragedy to the character. In spite of how badly this sequel misjudged things, Stephen Lang's performance is so good and so convincing that he does often manage to make you see past what was seen in the original film and buy him as an antihero.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.