13 Awesome Summer Movies You Probably Missed

2. Kill Zone 2

Kubo And The Two Strings Green Room Popstar
Bravos Pictures

The Plot: Hong Kong cop Kit (Wu Jing) goes undercover to catch kingpin Mr. Hung (Louis Koo), but when the operation goes wrong, he ends up in a Thailand jail. Thai cop Chai (Tony Jaa) is tasked with watching him, and as outside forces conspire to kill Kit, Chai vows to keep him alive for his own ends.

Why It's Awesome: Though the plot is a little messy and basically Infernal Affairs-lite, Kill Zone 2 (aka SPL 2: A Time for Consequences in other territories) is a balls-to-the-wall action flick that sees Jaa back to his a**-kicking best thanks to imaginative set-pieces and Pou-Soi Cheang's stylish direction.

The characters are more compelling than you'd expect for a movie like this, even if it's the action that most audiences will be paying their cash for. On that front, it delivers in spades, and will probably end up getting a U.S. remake at some point.

Also, forget about the title: this is a standalone sequel so you don't need to have seen the original movie to get it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.