13 Awkward Moments That Must Have Happened After The End Of Famous Movies

11. The Dwarves Have To Climb Down The Rock - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Hobbit Jackson With Dwarf
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Actual Ending: Being the first part of a trilogy, The Hobbit€™'s last scene is less an ending and more a pause; stuff'€™s happened, but the majority of the plot setup is left open for the next two instalments to deal with. The film stops with the eagles having saved the party from fire and orcs and dropped them on a rock in view of The Misty Mountain. Leaving with the goal in sight is a good way to whet appetites, although you have to wonder where the original ending (when it was intended to be two films) would have been.

The Awkward Moment: As good as that rock is for giving a view of Erebor, it€™'s not really helpful for giving the gang a good start to the next part of their journey; it€™'s steep, it'€™s jagged and I€™ll bet a pain to climb down. Seriously, even if the eagles couldn't take them nearer to Smaug'€™s lair, they could at least put the dwarves in a place suitable to start the next part of their quest.

At least The Desolation Of Smaug didn't start with an abseil - who really wants to see that in a Middle Earth movie? Oh, apparently people who prefer the extended cut of The Two Towers.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.