13 Awkward Moments That Must Have Happened After The End Of Famous Movies

10. Marty Discovers What He€™'s Changed - Back To The Future

Universal Pictures

The Actual Ending: Marty McFly is one lucky teenager. Not only is he the only person to ever to drive a car up to 88mph and actually travel in time (rather than be pulled over by the police for speeding), he manages to completely mess up his parent€™'s meeting, only for his solution to actually make things better. He comes home to find the car of his dreams, a rich father, cool mother and better siblings (the last one's debatable). Assuming his later meddling in the sequels didn't change things too much, he€™'s got a pretty sweet life ahead of him.

The Awkward Moment: Well, he might, but odds are he€™'s going to feel more than a little alien to it all. When he wakes up at the end of Back To The Future a few minor changes totally floor him, but it'€™s pretty naive to think this is all he affected. Marty did so much in the past that the 1985 he'€™s returned to is probably as crazy as the Biff-led one. There'€™s two options for him. Tell all to the family and get a cheat sheet, or slowly struggle through a world he know€™s nothing about.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.