13 Background Distractions That Completely Ruined Movie Scenes

9. Teen Wolf Pervert

Teen Wolf
Atlantic Releasing Corp

A firm favourite among unplanned Easter Eggs spotters, this particularly odd moment spotted in the background of a key scene has almost completely over-shadowed the triumphant end of Michael J Fox's excellent Teen Wolf.

As the crowd go wild celebrating their team's success the camera pans, accidentally picking up on a clearly over-excited lady in the bleachers, who has either forgotten she's not at home on her couch, or is up to something altogether more sinister as she's rumbled. Some have called it an innocent wardrobe malfunction, but from the very obvious attempts to cover up the naughtiness, it looks like the audience member was well aware of her pants gaping.

To be fair though, sports events can be pretty exciting. A note for future reference, pull your pants up BEFORE the camera pans up to reveal you're suggestively open fly.

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