13 Background Distractions That Completely Ruined Movie Scenes

10. The Over-Zealous Tumbler - Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2
20th Century Fox

We've looked at terrible and distracting Extras who ruined their scenes in movies before, and there are few things worse than a bit part player with aspirations to hog camera focus, and make a name for themselves.

Unfortunately for this type of focus magpie, the reality tends to be that they are limited to Extra work because of their specific lack of skills, or a complete unsuitability to being in close focus. And such is the case with this background chancer from Die Hard 2, who clearly takes his direction to flee as an opportunity to add a completely unnecessary and comically distracting flourish, throwing himself to the floor awkwardly and unconvincing manner that screams "look at me!" but for all the wrong reasons...

If you can't even convincingly run, or fall over, and your antics detract from the authenticity of the scene, you should probably retire.

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