13 Best Character Introductions In MCU Movies

2. Spider-Man (Captain America: Civil War)

Captain America Civil War Spider Man
Marvel Studios

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) may make his first appearance in the MCU when Tony Stark pays him a visit at his apartment, but Spider-Man doesn't make his illustrious debut until the iconic airport battle between Team Cap and Team Iron Man.

After discussions break down, Stark calls for "underoos" and Spidey swings onto the scene, stealing Cap's shield along the way. The battle begins, and Spidey frequently steals the show, be it complimenting Bucky on his metal arm, trying to "arrest" Falcon (Anthony Mackie) and promptly being told to shut his mouth, his weirdly polite fight with Cap, and that glorious Empire Strikes Back homage to bring down Giant Man.

The sequence gives fans a ton of creative web-slinging action while never forgetting that Peter is, yes, a kid, and making a few uproarious cracks about it in the process ("I didn't carbon date him"). From this scene alone, it's easy to see why many were immediately convinced that Spidey had never been portrayed better on screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.