13 Best Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies

10. Interstellar

Children of Men Poster
Warner Bros. Pictures

These post-apocalyptic sci-fi flicks sure love messing around with time. This time, however, dust storms and crop blight are slowly making the Earth uninhabitable. In a last-ditch effort to save humanity, Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and his team must travel to three potentially-viable new planets to ensure humanity's survival.

Interstellar paints a rather realistic picture of a dying world, with a post-truth society that has all but given up on leaving their decaying world. On the sci-fi side, Interstellar's dialogue and scenes are incredibly scientifically accurate. It's not perfect, but it's the best film out there that captures the possible nature of wormholes, black holes, and the fourth dimension.

Christopher Nolan never dumbs down anything for his audience, and fantastic performances by McConaughey, Hathaway, and Michael Caine, as well as an acute attention to the laws of physics, bolster the clever plot. The docking scene remains one of the most thrilling and memorable sci-fi scenes to date.

...and that one scene of Matthew McConaughey ugly crying, of course.

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Sci-Fi Mad Max
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.