13 Best Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies

9. Snowpiercer

Children of Men Poster
Warner Bros.

Chris Evans can't get away from world-ending flicks. In Bong Joon-ho's first English-language debut, the world is frozen solid, as the only survivors speed along in a train circumnavigating the globe. It's a bonkers premise, yet don't think this film is some light-hearted Willy-Wonka-inspired fairground ride (unless you want to believe the surprisingly convincing fan-theory).

Evans resides with the rest of the poor train riders in the back carriage. Staging a revolt, his band of mutineers fight their way to the front of the train enduring terrible acts of cruelty and violence. They discover the luxury lives front passengers have lived, as well as the brutal lies and exploits afflicted to them throughout the years.

Boon Joon-ho's mastery of the class commentary makes this non-stop world tour across the global frozen wasteland all the more thrilling. And with a star-studded cast with the likes of Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, and Tilda Swindon, this is one thrill-ride you don't want to miss.

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Sci-Fi Mad Max
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.