13 Broken Comic Book Movie Franchises (And How To Fix Them)

1. The Fantastic Four

This is perhaps a contentious entry, given the developments surrounding Josh Trank's reboot, but it doesn't hurt to make a few suggestions on how best to avoid the pitfalls of the 2005 version and its inferior 2007 sequel. At present this new version of FF exists as a hybrid between Trank's Chronicle and the original film, and while comic fans are known for their desire to see faithful adaptations true to source, with this film you get the feeling it will at least be an interesting take on a familiar theme. Inevitably there are some who see this suggested approach as cause for concern but given the choice now, of whether you would want to see Paul Greengrass's politically charged version of Watchmen (which deviated from source significantly) or Zac Snyder's meticulous adaptation, which would you choose? Visually it is fair to assume that this film will be so far removed from Tim Story's Fantastic Four as to be completely unrelated, and one key approach to further keep it distinct would be to increase the focus on science, technology and cosmology. This could visually inform the film, and give the fantastical things that are happening on screen a basis in real world science and technology. As long as they don't make him a pink and purple cloud, then seeing how this grounded version of the Four interprets Galactus would also be a compelling scenario. What can be assured is that if Trank manages to present complex and interesting versions of these characters in ways which have not been seen before then any creative decisions that stray from Fantastic Four's almost 60 year continuity will be forgiven by even the most militant comic book fans. Do you agree that all of these broken comic book movie franchises are rescuable? How would you like to see them brought back to screen? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik