13 Characters Who Will Probably Die In 2017's Biggest Remaining Movies

10. Lois Lane - Justice League

Justice League Lois Lane
Warner Bros.

Played By: Amy Adams

It's a fairly simple assumption that someone pretty big has to die in Justice League from the supporting cast for there to be any real impact to Steppenwolf's threat to Earth.

There's no way anyone of the Leaguers themselves will die (particularly as most have spin-offs coming and are basically immortal anyway), and some supporting figures - like Willem Dafoe's Nuidis Vulko, Billy Crudup's Dr Henry Allen and Joe Morton's Dr. Silas Stone are all confirmed for other films.

And while Man Of Steel 2 is coming, Lois Lane is still an expendable figure whose death could very much be used to draw Superman out of his "exile" when he comes back from the dead. It would add emotional impact, focus his commitment to the League and deal with the film-makers' inability to use her very well.


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