13 Comic Book Villains That Movies Ruined Worse Than Dr Doom
6. Poison Ivy (Batman & Robin)
It's clear that Poison Ivy was supposed to be a sexy seductress in Joel Schumacher's infamous misfire, but due to the agonising amount of camp, Uma Thurman's take on the character ends up being more freaky and annoying than desirable. Who can forget the scene in which Ivy dances around in a gorilla suit before administering her love potion to Batman (George Clooney) and Robin (Chris O'Donnell), leading to the infuriating "Bat credit card" moment. Her plan, to cover the world with her mutant plants, is more silly than scary or threatening, and Thurman's performance is so outrageously over-the-top that it pretty much negates any genuine villainy she shoots for, unsurprisingly causing her to be nominated for a Worst Supporting Actress Razzie award in the process. With painfully innuendo-laced dialogue like "Come join me. My garden needs tending" and "How about 'slippery when wet?'", is it any surprise that the character, like most in Batman and Robin, was a complete laughing stock?
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.