13 Cringe-Worthy Movie Moments That Completely Ruined Great Songs

11. Bad To The Bone (George Thorogood) - Terminator 2

There's little doubting the brilliance of this establishing scene from James Cameron's Terminator 2: as Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-800 acquires clothes, boots and a motorcycle with which to pursue John Connor, he leaves the biker bar and George Thorogood's Bad to the Bone plays out, making it clear that this is one serious bada** you do not want to mess with. Arnie is held up with a shotgun by one of the bar's patrons, but he just cooly walks over, snatches his shades and makes off with his shotgun. Brilliant. The problem is that the scene is too iconic, and has in a sense made the song a parody of itself: in the 20-plus years since the song was released, it has been widely used in comedies and animated films to establish a tough outlaw character, and that is pretty much the only thing people know it for. On the other hand, though, it has no doubt made Thorogood a lot of money, so there's that...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.