13 Early Predictions For Star Wars Episode IX
6. Poe Dameron Dies
In the original script for The Force Awakens, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) was supposed to die at the end of the first act, but J.J. Abrams ultimately decided to spare his life, giving the sequel trilogy its own trio of protagonists akin to Luke, Leia and Han.
However, he remains by far the most disposable and unnecessary of the three leads, so with Johnson being in the business of subverting expectations, it seems likely he'll kill off at least one of the three heroes before the trilogy is done.
In addition to doing the least of narrative importance and probably having the least to offer personality-wise, it'd be mighty foolish to kill off the black or female leads, but the movie doesn't exactly want for white men, so from every possible angle, Poe feels like the "right" hero to die.
Fingers crossed Poe will get a more interesting and beefed-up role in Episode IX, perhaps becoming the new Resistance leader, before ultimately sacrificing himself to help win the day, probably while piloting the Millennium Falcon of all things.