13 Films That Really Needed Nicolas Cage

10. Either Hangover Sequel

The Role: The token A-lister bad guy (Paul Giamatti in The Hangover Part II, John Goodman in The Hangover Part III) Why Nic Cage Would Have Improved It: After the brilliant hilarity of the first Hangover movie, both sequels were sorely lacking in manic energy, despite increasingly raising the stakes to an often desperate degree and even introducing the likes of Giamatti and Goodman as fleeting villains to spice things up a little. Though the two clearly enjoyed their roles, the parts are badly under-written and just not crazy enough to give either film the significant boost they needed. That, of course, is where Cage would have come in. Seeing an actor as truly unpredictable as Cage telling the Wolf Pack that he's coming after them would genuinely make us fear for their lives and make us feel the tension of the scenario. After all, had writer-director Todd Phillips managed to secure the services of Cage as an insane, gun-totting, drug-snorting bad guy, pretty much all bets would have been off on what might happen next. Have Cage resurrect his inner Caster Troy and just see what happens: nothing short of movie magic.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.