13 Greatest Anti-Christianity Movies Ever
6. Monty Python And The Holy Grail
"If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people groveling!"
The creation of the universe, Tesco and the ebola virus was an ambitious project to take on, but even God gets bored of constant streams of spineless grovelling after several millenia. Contrary to the teachings of many an organised religion, meekly apologising, singing those miserable songs or even just averting your eyes will incur the wrath of the Almighty. After all, what's the point of creating something as bizarre as Earth if you're always made to feel unwelcome during your reportedly rare and dramatic appearances? God has even made the effort to create his own Facebook page to fit in with us mortals - not only are we being incredibly rude by blanking him whenever he bothers to show up, we also running the risk of incurring light to face-meltingly apocalyptic retribution. The lesson here is that uncritical praise is best saved for young children and their abstract paintings on the fridge door. Yes, they'll bring plagues of lice and mild pestilence on your household without mercy, but at least they'll generally stop short of Biblical tides of gore and hordes of locusts when they're annoyed.