13 Hollywood Stars Who Voiced Favourite Studio Ghibli Characters

12. Matt Damon - Ponyo

Yet another A-List action star featuring in this family friendly adventure about a little goldfish girl that wants to be human is Matt Damon. Far removed from Jason Bourne, his character Koichi spends almost the entire film at sea, one of the countless sailors stranded by a Tsunami that Ponyo accidentally causes upon her escape from her father's magic submarine home. It's a minor part, but the fact that a Hollywood superstar like Damon would take on such a small role is testament to Ghibli's ever growing reputation in the west. Interestingly, the voices of Ponyo and her would-be best friend Sosuke are voiced by Noah Cyrus (sister of Miley) and Frankie Jonas (youngest of the Jonas Brothers).

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.