13 Horrific Horror Movie Moments That Come Out Of Nowhere

8. Funny Games - Rewinding

Summer of 84
Concorde-Castle Rock/Turner

As if this Austrian psychological horror film from the great Michael Haneke (the mind behind 2012's Oscar-winning Amour) wasn't already blood-curdling enough, Haneke threw in what is possibly the most disturbing, not to mention unexpected, fourth wall-break ever put to film.

Towards the end of the movie - which tells the story of an ordinary family being taken hostage and subjected to sadistic games by two mysterious strangers - family matriarch Anna (Susanne Lothar) finally gets the upper hand on her tormenters and shoots one of them dead, only for the other attacker (Arno Frisch) to take the TV's remote control and literally rewind the film itself.

Thus, he undoes his partner's death and the two men, having already killed Anna's son, kill her and her husband (Ulrich Muhe) too.

Evil completely triumphs in Funny Games and while this is the case in so many other horror films, there aren't many others in which the good guys are so chillingly helpless.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.