13 Incredible Looking Comic Book Movie Characters (That Actually Sucked)

5. Clown - Spawn

Spawn Clown
New Line Cinema

Played By: John Leguizamo

Now, admittedly The Violator looked horrendous, but Clown was glorious.

As already explored, Spawn was not a great moment in comic book movie history, even if it was ahead of its time and had a few redeeming factors. Top of that pile of positives has to be the design work that went into the two most notable characters, and as good as Michael Jai White's Spawn looked, he was nothing compared to Leguizamo's Clown.

One of the best things that can be said about him is the fact that you'd never in a million years guess that was Leguizamo under the make-up. It's such a compelling, just-gross-enough disguise that you're completely sucked in. He's part John Wayne Gacy part Danny Devito's Penguin and the look of him alone is enough to inspire feelings of unease. It's just a real shame that the substance really wasn't there to match the style, because with a bit of brain behind him, he could have been a genre legend.

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