13 Incredible Looking Comic Book Movie Characters (That Actually Sucked)

4. The Joker - Suicide Squad

Joker Portrait EW Jared Leto
Entertainment Weekly

Played By: Jared Leto

Considering how poorly served Jared Leto's Joker was by the terrible Suicide Squad script, the fatal lack of direction (or at least directorial restraint) by David Ayer and the over-zealous editing process, you could assume that the cynicism that met the first reveal of the character's look was entirely justified.

But the reality is that this new Joker - widely derided as a Juggalo Mr J - was steeped in modern comic book Joker lore. He was far closer in design to the comic book iteration than Heath Ledger's had been and the attempt to move away from all screen predecessors was entirely admirable.

Had he had the material to match the impact of his look, nobody would have complained about the tattoos or the grill or the outfits, and that's precisely why he deserves more screen-time with a steadier hand guiding him. Because the Joker that was written for Suicide Squad and the performance Leto offered were wildly out of tune and both needed more restraint and more intelligence.

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