13 Incredible Looking Comic Book Movie Characters (That Actually Sucked)

9. Bane - Batman & Robin

Bane Batman & Robin
Warner Bros.

Played By: Jeep Swenson

Put aside all of your very justified concerns about Batman & Robin as a complete movie project and it's hard not to admire the design of Jeep Swenson's Bane.

Rather than the updated version Christopher Nolan's design team went with for The Dark Knight Rises, Joel Schumacher's version was based more closely on the comic book original, complete with luchador mask and wrestling influences. He was also the right sort of size and the zombie-like make-up used to sell the cost Poison Ivy's Venom was having on his body added something delightfully pulpy to him.

It's just a shame that his backstory, execution and relegation to being Ivy's lapdog completely distracted from that good work.

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