13 Incredible Moments In Otherwise Forgettable Movies

8. The Plane Crash - Knowing

Knowing Nicholas Cage Explosion
Summit Entertainment

The Movie: A few years before Nicolas Cage reached peak irony, he appeared in this also-ran sci-fi thriller about an M.I.T. professor, John Koestler (Cage), who believes a series of mysterious numbers are predicting an impending apocalyptic event.

Shot through with aggressive self-seriousness despite its inherent absurdity, Knowing is anything but. And to make matters worse, Cage's performance is disappointingly reined-in for the most part.

The Scene: Koestler witnesses a plane crash before his very eyes, at which point he runs towards the wreckage in the hope of providing assistance. In addition to the impressively-rendered crash itself, the rescue sequence that follows is presented in a single, unbroken take, with aflame victims dying while Koestler helplessly observes the detritus.

Apart from the unintentionally hilarious moment where quizzically Cage shouts "Hey!" at a man on fire, this is a brilliantly wrought scene that clearly belonged in a much better movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.