13 Incredible Moments In Otherwise Forgettable Movies

7. Death By Teacup - The Chronicles Of Riddick

Riddick Teacup
Universal Studios

The Movie: A quintessential lesson in how not to follow-up a cult classic, this over-budgeted sequel to 2000's Pitch Black ups the scale, the budget, the stars and, well, everything. Except for compelling characters, an engaging story or the original's gnarly R-rating, that is.

It's certainly an ambitious production, having five-fold the budget of Pitch Black, but ultimately also a hollow, soulless husk which killed the franchise for almost a decade.

The Scene: When some feckless goons give Riddick (Vin Diesel) some trouble, he warns them that he'll kill them with his teacup if they're not careful. No more than 25 seconds later, one of the meat puppets takes a swing at Riddick and pays the price, as our "hero" grabs his teacup and shoves it into the sap's chest so hard it becomes embedded there.

Shockingly gnarly for a PG-13 movie - especially as the sequence lingers on Riddick twisting the cup once he's already stabbed it into the guy - it's just a shame the rest of the movie wasn't this perversely entertaining.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.