13 Insane Upcoming Movies That Will Blow Your Mind

11. The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)

Human Centipede 3The Pitch: To date, we know very little about the film, other than that it's set in a maximum security prison in the middle of an American desert and features a 500-person human centipede. Despite being killed in the first film, Dieter Laser is back, possibly playing another character, and though Laurence Harvey's Martin Lomax's survived the second movie, he also appears to be playing someone else. The cast also includes Eric Roberts, Tommy "Tiny" Lister and porn star Bree Olson. The Buzz: The movie hasn't been screened anywhere yet, though the expectation is that if you (somehow) enjoyed the first two films, you'll probably lap this one up as well. The 500-person centipede has certainly gotten people talking, as well as the inclusion of an Oscar-nominated actor (Roberts) among its cast, yet it'll almost certainly garner universally negative reviews just like the previous one. Release Date: Tom Six has kept fans in the dark about when they'd get to see it for a long time, though considering it started production almost 18 months ago, we surely can't be too far off now.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.