13 Most Controversial Movie Moments Of 2017

10. Hollywood's First Gay Superhero...Kinda - Power Rangers

Power Rangers Trini Becky G

The Moment: As the Rangers bond around a campfire, Yellow Ranger Trini (Becky G) confesses that her parents worry about her relationships.

When Zack (Ludi Lin) asks "Boyfriend troubles?", she sarcastically replies, "Yeah, boyfriend troubles." After a beat, Zack asks, "Girlfriend troubles?", and though Trini doesn't directly reply, she says that her parents believe in labels.

Why It's Controversial: There are always going to be those who will hate a moment like this for "pushing an agenda", as they see it, into a beloved pop-culture property, but the LBGTQ community was equally divided, with some feeling that the scene didn't go far enough in confirming Trini's sexuality.

Considering all the pre-release hubbub about Trini being cinema's first gay superhero, the fact it's such a vague, restrained moment left many frustrated that the filmmakers didn't commit fully to their claim, because Trini's silence can be interpreted a number of different ways.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.