13 Most Ridiculous DCEU Controversies (So Far)

8. Wonder Woman Is Deemed "Anti-Feminist"

Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Because merely enjoying a movie for what it is and what it celebrates can't happen anymore, the release of Wonder Woman brought with it an avalanche of reactionary articles claiming that the movie wasn't empowering at all, and even anti-feminist.

Tripe like this attempted to undermine the movie's success by claiming that it hyper-sexualied Gal Gadot while refusing to truly smash the patriarchy (it's a period movie, y'know).

Given how restrained the movie was in depicting Gadot as an object, no doubt aided by it being directed by a heterosexual woman, and how Diana came off both beautiful and empowering, you'd need to be looking for a click-friendly angle (as is very likely the case with these articles) to get even remotely mad about the movie's gender politics. Sheesh.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.