13 Most Strongly Hinted Future Marvel Movies

2. X-Men

X Men Characters 1
Marvel Comics


Just as the Fantastic Four are one of the big selling points for Disney buying Fox's movie properties, the X-Men are pretty much the crown jewel of Fox's catalogue. The acquisition of that group of IPs means we can expect to see Marvel playing with a whole new world of characters, as well as being able to introduce mutants as a concept into the MCU.

We know they're coming, we've had a pretty hint they're going to be introduced to the established MCU and really it's just a matter of when and how.


Regardless of the roster or which X-Men properties are explored first, the most important thing is HOW Marvel bring mutantkind into the MCU. Whether that's through inter-dimensional travel, a reverse House Of M sort of deal or the use of the Reality Stone (or merely as a consequence of changing the universe so much in the Infinity Saga), we'll have to wait and see. But it needs to be a strong reason and a well-told one.

It might also be a little bit of a shame if Marvel are drawn to the same hierarchy of mutants as Fox were. So while Wolverine is great, immediately introducing him as the hero would be detrimental to other characters who could be just as good as "main" characters.

Likewise, we don't need to see another retelling of the same stories Fox have already explored - so maybe a House Of M sort of event might be a good way to go?

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