13 Movie Scenes Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

6. The Pain Of Adulthood - Up

What Kids See: A wonderfully-animated montage chronicling the marriage of Carl and Ellie, their kooky misadventures along the way and, finally, Ellie's death in old age.

Though even young kids will realise that Ellie has died, they miss out on a huge amount of subtext and subtlety in the scene that leaves them completely stone-faced while their parents will be left sobbing themselves into an unattractive mess, much to their kids' confusion.

The Reality: There's so much in this brief montage that touches the adult heart, from the wonderful relationship itself, to Ellie's inability to have children, her subsequent depression, and how life (a blown tire, an injury, house damage) gets in the way of their plan to visit Paradise Falls.

It's an achingly human look at life and love, and while children won't have the emotional intelligence or life experience to appreciate it, they surely will once they hit their late teens or early twenties.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.