13 Movie Scenes Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

5. Dumbo Is Totally Wasted - Dumbo

What Kids See: When Dumbo has the hiccups, Timothy fetches him a drink, after which the pair become super-sleepy and start hallucinating pink elephants on parade.

Though kids might appreciate the terrifying nature of the scene, they most certainly won't understand why Dumbo and Timothy are hallucinating, even though Timothy explicitly asks, "What sorta water is this, anyhow?"

The Reality: Dumbo and Timothy are, of course, drinking a bunch of champagne, and even though Disney writes the scene as though the pair just dropped a metric crapton of DMT, that is the true cause for their hallucinations.

It flies over the heads of kids because, though the bubbles and the pair's weird behaviour make it clear to adults what's going on, it's never explicitly stated what they're drinking, and their actions could easily be dismissed as tiredness. Basically, kids don't need to question it, so they don't.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.