13 Movie Tag-Lines That Blatantly Lied To You

2. Real Steel

Revenge Of The Sith Tagline
Walt Disney Studios

Tag-line: “If You Get One Shot, Make It Real.”

This 2011 sport/sci-fi drama also boasts the confusing tag-line “Courage is stronger than steel.” Although courage has often been proved to be much weaker than steel, the tag-line “If you get one shot, make it real” is the true liar here.

The film tells the story of Charlie Keaton, a former boxer who has since taken an interest in the fictional sport of robot boxing. The film's story itself is Keaton's second chance at the big time, meaning that he's betrayed the tag-line the second we see the first robot punch.

The other issue with the tag-line is the use of the word “real”.

Very little about this film is believable, and while that shouldn't necessarily be an issue, the studio decided to try and sell the film using one of the many words than simply cannot be used to describe it. Still, fighting robots are pretty cool.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.