13 Movie Tag-Lines That Blatantly Lied To You

5. Futureworld

Revenge Of The Sith Tagline
American International Pictures

Tag-line: “Where The Only Way To Survive Is To Kill Yourself.”

Picture the scene: it's 1976. Three years have passed since Westworld blew minds across the globe, and the world is waiting for a new sci-fi masterpiece to once again bring them to the edge of their seats.

“How do you follow the Wild West?”, you ask? Why, with the future, of course!

The only problem is, in Futureworld, if you want to survive, you have to... kill yourself.

It was the seventies, so moving past the tag-line's incredible and brazen offensiveness, and it still makes no sense.

Also, spoiler alert, multiple people make it out alive. No suicide, still breathing. The tag-line was a big ol' lie.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.