13 Movies That Made Being A Bad Guy Look Incredibly Cool

11. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)

scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-original1 Okay, this one is cheating a bit. Although we aren't including antagonist performances on the list, it felt right to include the Seven Evil Ex's. After all, being bad with superpowers (while living in a Universe not dissimilar to a video game) sounds like all kinds of awesome. The two that stick out are Lucas Lee (Chris Evans) and Todd Ingram (Brandon Routh); the coolest douchebags you'll see on film. But what makes them cool is not the awe-inspiring powers per se, rather what they do for a living. Lucas is an ex-pro skateboarder-turned-action star, and Todd is the bassist in a famous rock group. Of course, it does help that Todd's vegan powers can make him fly and glow (and kick whiny Michael Cera's behind); but these guys have our dream jobs (or at least the dreams of many people across the world), they look and fight amazing, as well as having the gift of super-human abilities. When it comes down to it, who doesn't think that is enticing? Plus, they both dated Mary Elizabeth Winstead's Ramona Flowers at one point in the Scott Pilgrim canon...need we say more?

I love all things imaginative, from the page to the screen, and nurture a soft spot for Donald Sutherland and Daniel Bryan.