13 Movies That Are Destined To Disappoint In 2019

2. Frozen 2

Frozen Elsa

Hell will literally freeze over before Disney lets a bad Frozen sequel out the door, but given the pop-culture phenomenon that the original movie was, Frozen 2 has an almost indescribable level of hype to live up to.

Though Disney's subsidiary Pixar has produced plenty of sequels, Disney proper generally veers away from it, perhaps because they appreciate the difficulty in matching the iconography of a smash hit original.

And so it's probably sensible for fans to lower their expectations a little and merely hope that Frozen 2 is a good movie that doesn't quite boast the same musical catchiness or all-encompassing appeal.

It'd be splendid to be wrong, but the excitement surrounding the movie just feels like an easy recipe for hurt feelings, even if it turns out to be really, really good (but not quite good enough, apparently).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.