13 Movies That Depressingly Predicted The Future

11. Political Correctness Gone Mad - Demolition Man

Videodrome Saw
Warner Bros.

Demolition Man's absurd sci-fi premise was oddly prescient in a number of ways, though perhaps the most unexpectedly on-the-money was its prediction of the rise in political correctness.

In the movie's 2032, violence has largely been erradicated due to increased controls on human behaviour. Hell, even eating red meat is against the law. This creates a problem, however, when a violent criminal from the 1990s, Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), is thawed out and unleashes a torrent of mayhem upon the populace.

The police, softened by years of non-conflict, are horrified at his behaviour, which they perceive to be barbarian-like, and so the cops are forced to also defrost Phoenix's old nemesis, a disgraced police officer by the name of John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone).

Look at today's culture and Demolition Man's hyper-sensitive society feels rather reflective of the current so-called "Snowflake Generation", where ultra-political correctness runs amok and people are routinely offended by relatively benign actions.

That's not to say steak will be made illegal anytime soon, thankfully.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.