13 Movies That Destroyed Solo: A Star Wars Story At The Box Office

8. Thor

Thor Natalie Portman
Marvel Studios

Box Office: $449.3 million

Though Thor is an undeniable household name nowadays, what with each of the two Thor sequels grossing substantially more than their predecessors ($644.6 million for The Dark World and $853.9 million for Ragnarok), the 2011 original was no guaranteed success when it went into production.

The MCU might seem infallible nowadays, but a mere three years into its tenure, Thor was quite the gamble, and though it was hardly a stonking hit - it remains the fourth lowest-grossing MCU film - tripling its budget was a pretty solid result for a movie starring the God of Thunder.

Comparing Thor and Solo, clearly the former is the movie you'd most expect audiences to wait to watch on home video, but clearly, Solo ultimately inspired more apathy and left multiplexes half-empty the world over.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.