13 Movies That Destroyed Solo: A Star Wars Story At The Box Office

7. Every Other Live-Action Star Wars Movie

Star Wars Attack Of The Clones Yoda Lightsaber

Box Office: $475.1 million (Return of the Jedi), $547.9 million (The Empire Strikes Back), $649.3 million (Attack of the Clones), $775.3 million (A New Hope), $848.7 million (Revenge of the Sith), $1.027 billion (The Phantom Menace), $1.056 billion (Rogue One), $1.332 (The Last Jedi), $2.068 billion (The Force Awakens).

The only theatrically-released Star Wars movie that Solo outgrossed was 2008's risible animated effort The Clone Wars - which netted a pitiful $68.3 million worldwide - while every single live-action movie in the franchise had Solo licked.

Even with these figures being unadjusted for inflation, Solo still couldn't keep up with Star Wars' success from four decades prior, causing some commentators to suggest that audiences may be going through "Star Wars fatigue".

Others point to The Last Jedi's divisive response souring a lot of fans on Solo, while the most plausible explanation is simply that fans didn't feel the need to learn more about Han Solo's past.

Either way, it's an extremely disconcerting stumble for a brand that many assumed was bullet-proof at the box office. It'll certainly be interesting to see whether this is a blip or an indication of audience interest in Star Wars starting to dip somewhat.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.