13 Movies You Won't Believe Are Being Rebooted Already

5. The Grudge

The Original: Here's where things really get complicated. The original Japanese Grudge series began with the 2000 straight-to-video film Ju-on: The Curse, and the third film in that series, 2002's Ju-on: The Grudge, was a remake of the original 2000 film, before the seventh and most recent film in the series, 2014's Ju-on: The Beginning of the End, functioned as a reboot. This is without even talking about the 2004's The Grudge, an English-language remake of 2002's Ju-on, which was also directed by Ju-on creator Takashi Shimizu, and released to a huge $187 million box office despite mixed reviews. Despite being panned by critics and quickly writing Sarah Michelle Gellar out, 2006's The Grudge 2 was a hit (if still grossing less than half of the original), and 2009's The Grudge 3, produced on a small $5 million budget as well as going straight-to-video in many markets, again made a lesser but still impressive profit. Time Since The Last Movie: 5 years, 6 months The Reboot: It was announced this past March that Sam Raimi would be producing a reboot to be written by Midnight Meat Train's Jeff Buhler. Given that even the original movies weren't exactly fantastic, it's hard to chalk up much excitement for this one.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.