13 Movies You Won't Believe Are Being Rebooted Already

2. The Smurfs

The Original: 2011's live-action-animation hybrid take on The Smurfs was a huge box office hit despite poor reviews, amassing $563 million and leading to the snappy creation of a 2013 sequel, which while grossing "only" $347 million, still made it a huge financial success for Columbia Pictures. Shortly after The Smurfs 2 began production, a third film was also busily being prepared, but of course, hubris is a dangerous thing, and after the second film under-performed, The Smurfs 3 was promptly cancelled. Time Since The Last Movie: 1 year, 4 months The Reboot: Instead, a third, currently untitled film will be a fully animated Smurfs movie with no link to the previous two films, apparently in an attempt to stick closer to the art style of the source material. Given that Hank Azaria and Neil Patrick Harris were pretty much the only things that made these movies tolerable, it's a crying shame they won't be around for this absurdly unnecessary reboot, due for release in August 2016.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.