13 Movies You Won't Believe Are Being Rebooted Already

1. Cabin Fever

The Original: Eli Roth's debut cult classic horror flick opened to solid reviews and a strong box office, leading to the eventual release of a sequel, Spring Fever, in 2009. Directed by up-and-coming horror filmmaker Ti West, he nevertheless has since disowned the final film due to heavy re-shooting and re-editing from producers, and the movie ultimately went straight-to-video in most regions, failing to take off with critics or audiences. A Sean Astin-starring straight-to-video prequel, Patient Zero, was released earlier this year to negative reviews, and a fourth film, Outbreak, was subsequently cancelled. Time Since The Last Movie: 9 months The Reboot: In easily the most shocking reboot announcement of any movie on this list, Roth announced this past April that the original movie would be getting a new take, directed by Travis Zariwny and using the same script but different actors. While Roth's attitude to it seems to be more experimental than focused on making money (because there's no way this movie is getting a major theatrical release), it's bizarre to even think that anyone wants the series restarted. Just...why!? Which all-too-soon upcoming reboots are you most annoyed about? Are there any you think might actually work? Shout it out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.