13 Overlooked Positives About 2015’s Worst Movies

1. It Might Signal The End Of Bad Video Game Adaptations - Hitman: Agent 47

The Movie: The Hitman reboot nobody asked for nudged its way into cinemas this past summer, and though modestly successful, was for the most part a painful exercise in how not to adapt a video game. For one, Rupert Friend's Agent 47 didn't even shave his head properly, he was more like Rambo than the silent assassin from the games, the plot scarcely made sense, the CGI was atrociously bad and the film featured possibly the year's most hilariously transparent product placement (in this case, for Audi cars). The Overlooked Positive: It really feels like video game movies will be turning a corner in 2016, what with the release of Ratchet and Clank, the surprisingly funny-looking Angry Birds Movie, Warcraft and Assassin's Creed. Think about it: Agent 47 may be the final bad video game movie we need to sit through until, well, the "final" Resident Evil film arrives in early 2017, and may indicate that studios are starting to respect video games on the same level that they currently do comic books. If Hitman is the last of an infamously streak of bad game adaptations, then that's a reason to celebrate, right? Are there any other overlooked positives from 2015's worst films? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.