13 Overlooked Positives About 2015’s Worst Movies

11. The Wachowskis Can Get Back To Grounded Filmmaking - Jupiter Ascending

The Movie: The Wachowskis' (The Matrix) $176 million sci-fi flick boasts a solid cast and gorgeous visual effects, but they're in the service of a borderline-nonsensical plot that doesn't stick in the mind long, while Eddie Redmayne gives a howlingly poor (if hilarious) performance as the hammy villain that almost derails the entire thing on its own. A colossal box office failure and slammed by critics, this is unfortunately an original sci-fi venture that flopped. Hard. The Overlooked Positive: With this being the Wachowskis' third box office bomb in a row and their fourth consecutive financial disappointment if you include The Matrix Revolutions' underwhelming performance, even the filmmakers themselves admitted that they probably wouldn't get big budgets again. It's sad in the sense that ambitious, big-budget sci-fi flopping means that studios will take less risks in the future, but it'll also be refreshing to see the siblings hopefully approaching more grounded, down-to-Earth projects in the future that won't get caught up in blockbuster bloat. They'll be forced to focus on the brilliant writing of, say, their 1996 thriller Bound, rather than excessive effects and elaborate production design. Plus, the world of TV is benefiting from film's loss, with the duo developing the broadly-acclaimed show Sense8.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.