13 Overlooked Positives About 2015’s Worst Movies

10. It's (Maybe) The Last One - Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

The Movie: The fifth core Paranormal Activity movie promised to bring the series to a satisfying close...in 3D, but pretty much just served up a wheel-spinning "finale" that gave a few obvious answers to things we probably already knew, and then a few underwhelming reveals ahead of a conclusion that still left a ton up in the air. Add bad 3D and terrible CGI on top of this and it's a recipe for an absolute disaster. The Overlooked Positive: Yes, it's entirely possible that the series may survive on VOD, but considering that the film was easily the lowest-grossing film in the franchise (scoring barely half of what Paranormal Activity 4 made), it's clear that the law of diminishing returns is in full effect, and we almost definitely won't be seeing anymore films from the series in cinemas, if at all. Studios need to strike while the iron is hot when it comes to horror movies, and given how much of the audience dropped off in the mere three-year gap between the fourth and fifth movies, Paramount would need to be planning the next movie already to make it worthwhile. As such, hopefully we're in the clear with this one.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.