13 Planned Film Trilogies That Need To Be Completed

3. 23 Jump Street

Nobody expected 21 Jump Street to be good, yet it was one of the best comedies of recent years and made everyone realize that €“ shockingly €“ Channing Tatum is actually pretty great. Then 22 Jump Street came along and was even better, and gave the world the best end credits sequence of all time. The sequel set the bar a little too high, though, and since it €“ and the credits €“ spoofed the very idea of cash-in sequels a third part would be tricky to pull off. Mooted ideas for 23 Jump Street include making all the fake sequels from the end credits canon, and maybe crossing the franchise with the Men In Black series. Unfortunately, Phil Lord and Chris Miller will be too busy with the young Han Solo movie to direct, and since they were a huge part of making the series work that€™s already a bad sign. Still, it€™s rare for a comedy sequel to top the original, and the idea of capping the series off with a final movie that€™s even better is an exciting prospect; we€™ll have to see how this one plays out.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.